News Library

Feb 5, 2025
UPA Commends President Trump for nominating Ted Garrish to serve as Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy
Garrish brings decades of experience and a wealth of knowledge to this critical position for the United States’ nuclear energy and uranium production industries…

Apr 14, 2022
Project Pele Mobile Microreactor To Go Ahead
The US Department of Defense Strategic Capabilities Office (SCO) has announced it will proceed with the project to build and demonstrate…

Feb 25, 2022
UPA President Scott Melbye Statement On Russia’s Invasion Of Ukraine
Today, Uranium Producers of America President and Executive Vice President of Uranium Energy Corp Scott Melbye issued the following statement on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine:

Jun 2, 2021
UPA, WMA Applaud Announcement of TerraPower Advanced Nuclear Plant in Wyoming
Today, Uranium Producers of America President and Executive Vice President of Uranium Energy Corp Scott Melbye and Wyoming Mining Association Executive Director Travis Deti released the following statements regarding plans to locate a TerraPower a...

Mar 25, 2021
UPA President Testifies at Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources
Today, Uranium Producers of America President and Executive Vice President of Uranium Energy Corp Scott Melbye testified before the U.S. Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources at a hearing regarding the future of nuclear energy.

Feb 8, 2021
UPA Announces Election of New Officers
The Uranium Producers of America (UPA) is pleased to announce the election of its leadership positions at the organization’s board meeting in Denver on February 3rd.

Aug 5, 2020
UPA President Testifies in Support of Senate Effort to Revitalize the Domestic Nuclear Fuel Cycle
UPA President Paul Goranson testified before a U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works (EPW) hearing in support of the American Nuclear Infrastructure Act

Jul 24, 2020
UPA Applauds EPA-NRC MOU and Thanks Senator Barrasso
The UPA applauds the EPA and NRC for entering into this important agreement to ensure safe and responsible regulations for in situ uranium recovery.

Jul 23, 2020
EPA-NRC Answer Senator Barrasso call to Enter MOU
The EPA and the NRC sign a MOU to clarify the agencies’ respective jurisdictions over ISR mining as requested by Senator Barrasso - EPW Committee.

May 20, 2020
Senators Call on Commerce Department to Reduce Russian Uranium Imports
The senators called for DOC to protect America’s energy and national security interests, and to limit Russia’s ability to manipulate America’s uranium markets.

Aug 14, 2019
UPA Policy Solutions for the United States Nuclear Fuel Working Group
The Uranium Producers of America (UPA) applauds President Trump for his recognition that uranium imports from state-backed entities are an issue of national security.

Jul 13, 2019
UPA Statement on President Trump’s Establishment of the United States Nuclear Fuel Working Group
“The Uranium Producers of America (UPA) appreciates President Trump’s recognition that the challenges faced by the domestic uranium industry present an issue of national security.

Oct 23, 2018
UPA Applauds Epa’s Withdrawal of Proposed in Situ Recovery Rule
The UPA applauds the EPA for withdrawing its unnecessary proposed rule regarding groundwater monitoring for ISR. We are pleased the EPA agrees with the concerns expressed by the NRC…

Sep 25, 2018
Wyoming Becomes an Agreement State
UPA Thanks Chairman Barrasso for His Leadership and Applauds NRC for WY Agreement State Decision. WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-WY), chairman of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works (EPW), released the fo...

Jul 19, 2018
UPA Applauds Department of Commerce for Launching 232 Investigation on Uranium Imports
Uranium is a critical mineral vital to the nation's security and economic prosperity. Without a strong and stable domestic uranium industry, America’s nuclear infrastructure is at risk.

Mar 23, 2018
DOE Barter Transfers Halted for the Balance of FY 2018
Congress fully funds the clean up activities at the Portsmouth project and halts further barter transfers for the remainder of FY 2018.

Feb 16, 2018
Congressional Support letter to DOC Secretary Ross on Section 232 Petition
Members of Congress letter reiterating concerns raised by the uranium industry requesting DOC investigate the effects of uranium imports from foreign state owned firms, on America’s national security.

Feb 8, 2018
Senator Barrasso Op-Ed: America’s Self Imposed Uranium Shortage
Uranium plays a vital role in maintaining America’s national security. The element powers nearly a quarter of the U.S. Navy’s fleet and keeps the lights on in around 20% of American homes and businesses. So why is the U.S. relying on adversaries t...

Feb 5, 2018
UPA House Energy & Commerce Committee – DOE Modernization Letter
On behalf of the Uranium Producers of America (UPA), we applaud the committee for holding a hearing on the economic and national security benefits of America’s nuclear infrastructure, particularly the front-end of the nuclear fuel cycle.

Jan 17, 2018
Barrasso Supports Investigation into Russia, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan’s Unfair Uranium Trade Practices
U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-WY), statement on the petition filed with the DOC to investigate the effects of uranium imports on U.S. national security.

Dec 14, 2017
Barrasso Calls on EPA to Withdraw Obama Administration’s Uranium Rule
…” comments detail how the rule “encroaches upon NRC’s jurisdiction, and includes requirements that are not technically feasible or are unreasonably burdensome on…licensees without providing any equivalent benefit.”

Dec 1, 2017
EPA Declines to Impose Financial Assurance Requirements on Hardrock Mines under CERCLA
EPA decides that new, duplicative financial assurance requirements for hardrock mining are unnecessary

Nov 21, 2017
Barrasso Applauds NRC Decision to Increase Uranium Recovery License Terms
… “I applaud the Nuclear Regulatory Commission for making the right decision…

Jul 25, 2017
UPA Meets with EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt and DOE Secretary Rick Perry
During July 17-19th, in Washington D.C., UPA members met with DOE Secretary Rick Perry and EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt. The purpose of these meetings was to discuss the importance of the uranium industry and its current state.

Jul 20, 2017
NRC Comments on the EPA Re-Proposed Rule 40 CFR Part 192
…the NRC staff is concerned that the proposed rule relies on arguments that are not fully supported, encroaches upon NRC’s jurisdiction and includes requirements that are not technically feasible…

Jul 11, 2017
UPA Response to EPA CERCLA 108(b) Proposed Rule
Current State and Federal requirements for financial assurance make this rulemaking unnecessary, and the EPA fails to consider the low-risk profile of uranium recovery operations.

May 25, 2017
We write to ask the DOE to initiate a comprehensive plan to negotiate a long-term solution to the barter system of transfers from the federal excess uranium inventory.

May 19, 2017
The Agreement Suspending the Antidumping Investigation on Uranium from the Russian Federation, as amended in 2008 ("Agreement"), requires that the annual export limits...

May 15, 2017
Uranium Producers of America Recommendations for EPA Regulations to Repeal/Modify
On behalf of the Uranium Producers of America (UPA), we applaud the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) effort to solicit public input on regulations that may be appropriate for repeal, replacement, or modification, consistent with Executive O...

May 1, 2017
UPA Response to the DOE April 26, 2017 Secretarial Determination
On Friday, the Department of Energy issued a Secretarial Determination regarding the amount of uranium the Department would barter in 2017 and 2018 to pay for cleanup services at the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant.

Apr 26, 2017
Department of Energy - April 26, 2017 Secretarial Determination
Since May 1, 2015, the Department of Energy ("Department," "DOE") has transferred natural uranium and low-enriched uranium in specified amounts and transactions, subject to a determination made on that date pursuant to § 3112(d)(2) of the USEC P...

Apr 10, 2017
UPA Response to the DOE RFI re Excess Uranium Management
On behalf of the Uranium Producers of America (UPA), a national trade association representing the domestic uranium and conversion industry, we appreciate the opportunity to provide input…

Mar 22, 2017
EPW Committee Passes Bipartisan Nuclear Energy Legislation
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-WY), chairman of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works.

Mar 9, 2017
DOE Fed Register Notice
Excess Uranium Management: Effects of Potential DOE Transfers of Excess Uranium on Domestic Uranium, Conversion and Enrichment Industries; Notice of Public Comment

Mar 8, 2017
GAO Testimony before the Committee on Environment and Public Works, U.S. Senate
Statement of Allison Bawden, Acting Director, Natural Resources and Environment on DOE - Excess Uranium Transfers; GAO has raised several issues related to DOE excess uranium transfers….

Mar 8, 2017
Legislative Hearing on S. 512, the Nuclear Energy Innovation and Modernization Act
Archived Webcast

Mar 2, 2017
Proposed Bill S. 512 - Nuclear Energy Innovation and Modernization Act
115TH CONGRESS, 1ST SESSION, To modernize the regulation of nuclear energy….

Mar 2, 2017
Bipartisan Group of Senators Introduce Nuclear Energy Innovation and Modernization Act
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-WY), chairman of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works….

Mar 1, 2017
UPA 2016 Annual Report
The Uranium Producers of America (UPA) is the industry trade association committed to the maintenance of a viable domestic uranium mining….

Feb 10, 2017
EIA 4th Quarter 2016 Domestic Uranium Production Report
U.S. uranium concentrate production totaled 2,916,558 pounds U3O8 in 2016. This amount was 13% lower than the 3,343,207 pounds produced in 2015 and the lowest annual U.S. production since 2,689,178 pounds produced in 2005.

Jan 4, 2017
EPA Withdraws its Proposed Rule to Revise C.F.R. 40 Part 192
The Uranium Producers of America (UPA) is pleased the EPA has withdrawn its proposed rule to revise C.F.R. 40 Part 192….

Jan 4, 2017
Senator Barrasso Statement on EPA Withdrawal of its Proposed Rule to Revise C.F.R. 40 Part 192
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-WY) issued the following statement on the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) decision to withdraw its draft final rule related to in situ uranium recovery (ISR).....

Dec 30, 2016
Why Trump’s Appointments Of Tillerson And Perry May Fuel Uranium And Nuclear Sectors - OpEd
In a world anxious about notable political shakeups, but hopeful about new paths for public policies both here at home and abroad, the U.S. nuclear sector may be reenergized under President-Elect Trump….

Dec 19, 2016
The UPA applauds President-Elect Trump’s choice of Rick Perry to head up DOE and Scott Pruitt to run the EPA
The Uranium Producers of America (UPA) applauds President-Elect Trump’s choice of Governor Rick Perry to serve as Secretary of Energy and Scott Pruitt to run the Environmental Protection Agency…

Dec 1, 2016
Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works call on OMB to Reject EPA Rule Part 192
The rulemaking has insufficiently analyzed the alleged benefits, yet the significant costs it imposes would likely mark the end of in situ recovery in the United States…this rulemaking should be rejected outright.

Nov 30, 2016
EIA 3rd Quarter 2016 Domestic Uranium Production Report
The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) reports data spanning 1996 through third quarter 2016 on U.S. uranium production activities in this report…

Nov 16, 2016
UPA Rebuttal to TENEX Comments Re DOC Russian Suspension Agreement Export Limit Adjustments
The UPA believes the positions outlined in the above referenced letters from TENEX…ignore U.S. law regarding the language and intent of the Section IV.B.1.

Oct 20, 2016
Senators Call On White House To Withdraw EPA's Uranium Rule
WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, U.S. Senators John Barrasso (R-WY), John Cornyn (R-TX) and Deb Fischer (R-NE) called on the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to withdraw the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) rule related to in situ uranium rec...

Oct 12, 2016
UPA Response To Request For Comments On 2016 Export Limit Adjustments; Agreement Suspending The Antidumping Investigation On Uranium From The Russian Federation
On behalf of the Uranium Producers of America (UPA), the national trade association representing the domestic uranium industry, we are writing in opposition to the proposed 2016 export limit adjustment for uranium from the Russian Federation enter...

Sep 19, 2016
UPA Response to DOE Request for Information
UPA recommends DOE halt uranium transfers with market prices below production costs, define material adverse impact, update its 2013 Excess Uranium Management Plan and work with industry to develop a more market friendly plan for the future dispos...

Sep 19, 2016
TradeTech Report to UPA on DOE Request for Information
Analysis is provided by TradeTech, LLC at the request of the Uranium Producers of America (UPA) as it relates to the US Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Nuclear Energy’s Request for Information.

Jul 19, 2016
DOE Request for Information
Excess Uranium Management: Effects of DOE Transfers of Excess Uranium on Domestic Uranium Mining, Conversion, and Enrichment Industries; Request for Information:

Jul 13, 2016
UPA Commends House Adoption Of Amendment To Stop EPA's Flawed Part 192 Uranium Rulemaking
WASHINGTON, DC - The U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday approved an amendment to the Fiscal Year 2017 Interior Appropriations bill to bar a potential Environmental Protection Agency rulemaking that uranium producers fear could bring domest...

May 24, 2016
EIA 2015 Uranium Marketing Annual Report
The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) reports detailed data spanning 2011 through 2015 and summary data back to 1994 on uranium marketing activities in the United States in this report, 2015 Uranium Marketing Annual Report.

May 23, 2016
Barrasso & Western Lawmakers Call on Moniz to Stop Uranium Dumping
Dear Secretary Moniz:
We write to restate our concerns about the Department of Energy's (DOE) so-called "barters" 
of excess uranium.

May 12, 2016
5 Years Later, Deaths Caused by Radiation Leak at Fukushima: 0
Since the horrific earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear reactor meltdown in Japan on March 11, 2011, there have been no deaths directly caused by the radiation leak from the nuclear plant in Fukushima, which is located on the northeast side of Japan.

May 11, 2016
U.S. District Court Judge Reggie B. Walton Opinion in the ConverDyn suit filed against DOE in June 2014
Judge Walton finds DOE violates the Privatization Act

Apr 25, 2016
UPA Calls On Dept. Of Energy To Cease Uranium Transfers Until Market Recovers
Today, the Uranium Producers of America (UPA) called on the Department of Energy to cease transfers from the federal excess uranium inventory until the uranium market recovers.

Dec 2, 2015
Estimates of Potential Uranium in South Texas Could Equal Five Years of U.S. Needs
USGS assessment estimates 60 million pounds of identified, but unmined, uranium resources, and more than 200 million pounds of newly estimated undiscovered resources.

Nov 17, 2015
Barrasso Calls on Energy Department to Turn Over Excess Uranium Contract
Today, U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-WY) sent a letter to Energy Secretary Moniz expressing concern about the Department of Energy's (DOE) failure to conduct oversight of transactions of uranium between Fluor-B&W Portsmouth LLC and the Traxys Group

Nov 5, 2015
Nuclear Energy Institute letter requesting EPA to Withdraw 40 CFR Part 192 Rulemaking
Subject: Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) Additional Comments on Health and Environmental Protection Standards for Uranium and Thorium Mill Tailings Proposed Rule; EPA Docket ID Number EPAHQ-OAR-2012-0788; FRL-9909-20-OAR RIN 2060-AP43, 80FR4156

Oct 30, 2015
Uranium Industry Et al. letter requesting EPA to Withdraw 40 CFR Part 192 Rulemaking
On January 26, 2015, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a proposed rule setting groundwater protection standards for in-situ uranium recovery facilities (Health and Environmental Protection Standards for Uranium and Thorium Mill Tail...

Jul 21, 2015
Uranium Energy Corp's Harry Anthony Elected President Of Uranium Producers Of America
The Uranium Producers of America (UPA) announced today that Harry Anthony, a senior advisor with Uranium Energy Corp (UEC), has been elected as president of the national organization.

May 27, 2015
UPA comments on the Environmental Protection Agency’s (“EPA”) proposed revisions to 40 CFR Part 192

May 22, 2015
A study from Environmental Science and Technology - Los Alamos, Berkley and others on the Rosita project - applies to Part 192 responses. Isotopic and Geochemical Tracers for U(VI) Reduction and U Mobility at an in Situ Recovery U Mine

May 21, 2015
UPA statement on Excess Uranium Transparency and Accountability Act

May 21, 2015
Lummis, Hinojosa Bill Brings Transparency and Accountability to Broken Federal Uranium Program

May 21, 2015
Barrasso, Markey Introduce Excess Uranium Transparency and Accountability Act

May 21, 2015
Sen. Portman, Rep. Wenstrup, and Rep. Johnson letter to Moniz demanding that DOE detail its Portsmouth cleanup plan

May 21, 2015
Portman, Wenstrup, and Johnson Press Administration to Explain Piketon Cleanup Plan

May 21, 2015
Excess Uranium Transparency and Accountability Act - Bill Introduction - 114th Congress, 1st Session - U.S. Senate

May 21, 2015
Senator Barrasso Summary - Excess Uranium Transfer and Accountability Act

May 14, 2015
EIA 2014 Uranium Marketing Annual Report

May 1, 2015
DOE Secretarial Determination on Uranium Transfers

Apr 30, 2015
EIA 2014 Domestic Uranium Production Report

Apr 23, 2015
Barrasso Calls for Oversight of Uranium Trader Following Former DOE Official Poneman Appointment

Apr 22, 2015
Bipartisan Congressional Panel Expresses Concern Regarding DOE's Impact on Uranium Industry

Apr 22, 2015
ERI Comparison

Apr 22, 2015
Statement Of Scott Melbye Executive Vice President, Uranium Energy Corporation

Apr 22, 2015
House Oversight and Government Reform Subcommittee on the Interior Hearing 4-22-15 Examining the Dept. of Energy's Excess Uranium Management Plan

Apr 22, 2015
Statement of John Kotek Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Office of Nuclear Energy U.S. Department of Energy

Apr 22, 2015
Statement Of David C. Trimble, Director, Natural Resources And Environment

Apr 22, 2015
Written Testimony of Mr. Frank Hahne, Uranium Barter Manager Fluor-B&W Portsmouth LLC

Apr 6, 2015
Henderson UPA comments corrected

Apr 6, 2015
Letter from M Critchley, CvD, to D Henderson, DOE, re Response to DOE NO...

Mar 18, 2015
DOE Notice of Issues for Public Comment
The Department is issuing a Notice of Issues for Public Comment (NIPC) announcing the availability of the comments received in response to the Request for Information and market analyses prepared for the Department.

Mar 12, 2015
Senator Barrasso Expresses Grave Concern Over Former DOE Official Poneman's Move to Uranium Companies
Calls on DOE Secretary Moniz to adhere to the highest standards of transparency and accountability before authorizing any additional transfers of publicly-owned uranium.

Feb 19, 2015
Congressional Letter to Secretary Moniz - DOE Compliance with Administrative Procedure Act

Feb 4, 2015
Stop Punishing America's Nuclear Energy by Mario Loyola - Special to the Austin American-Statesman
Every sector of American industry faces onerous regulatory burdens. But few face the peculiar problem of uranium producers: The federal agency with principal jurisdiction over their activities is also their main competitor.

Jan 21, 2015
UPA Response to DOE RFI; Excess Uranium Management: Effects of DOE Transfers Jan. 21, 2015
On behalf of the Uranium Producers of America (UPA) and our member companies, we appreciate the opportunity to provide input regarding the Department's management of the federal excess uranium inventory.

Jan 16, 2015
Texas Public Policy Foundation - The Need for Nuclear Reform

Dec 5, 2014
DOE - Excess Uranium Management - RFI
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is planning to issue a new Secretarial Determination covering continued transfers of uranium for cleanup services at the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant and for down-blending of highly-enriched uranium to lo...

Nov 4, 2014
DOE response to UPA's 9/4/14 letter on future Uranium transfers

Oct 21, 2014
DOE Reply in support of MSJ

Sep 25, 2014
DOE Opposition to ConverDyn's Motion for Summary Judgment

Sep 25, 2014
DOE Motion for Summary Judgement

Sep 25, 2014
DOE's Response to Statement of Facts

Sep 12, 2014
Opinion - Denying Motion for Preliminary Judgment

Sep 11, 2014
UPA Amicus Brief

Sep 11, 2014
ConverDyn Motion for Summary Judgment

Sep 11, 2014
ConverDyn Statement of Facts

Sep 9, 2014
ConverDyn's opposition to DOE MSJ and reply to MSJ

Sep 3, 2014
UPA recommendations letter to Ernest Moniz

Sep 2, 2014
DOE response to Senator Barrasso letter dated July 14, 2014

Aug 6, 2014
Government should ante up for Piketon
On July 18, The Dispatch ran the article "700 could lose jobs at Piketon," about the potential federal funding cuts to the former Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant.

Aug 2, 2014
Government let Piketon cleanup dollars lapse
On July 18, the Gazette ran an article, "Piketon cleanup operation warns of 500-plus job cuts," about the potential for hundreds of workers to lose their jobs at the site of the former Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant. The story is missing some ...

Jul 31, 2014
Converdyn down but not out in barter battle
Denver, Colorado-based Converdyn - a general partnership between affiliates of Honeywell and General Atomics - filed for the injunction against DoE in June, claiming it is losing $10 million a year in potential revenue.

Jul 31, 2014
DOE Actions Harm Domestic Uranium Industry
Scott Melbye, President of Uranium Producers of America, issued the following statement on DC District Court ruling in ConverDyn v. U.S. Department of Energy.

Jul 14, 2014
Letter from United States Senator John Barrasso et al to Ernest Moniz - DOE
We write to express our strong opposition to the May 15, 2014 Secretarial Determination

Jul 10, 2014
Congressional Record - House: Transcript Of The Floor Debate On The Lummis Amendment
A transcript of the floor debate on the Lummis amendment. The amendment was approved by voice vote.

Jul 7, 2014
Opposition To Motion For Preliminary Injunction
Plaintiff's Motion for a Preliminary Injunction ("Motion") invites the Court to effectively shut down two critical Department of Energy ("DOE" or "Department") programs solely to prevent inherently speculative financial harm to plaintiff allegedly...

Jul 7, 2014
Index Of Attachments In Support Of Defendants' Opposition To Plaintiff's Motion For Preliminary Injunction

Jul 7, 2014
Declaration Of Kevin P. Smith
Defendants' Opposition To Plaintiff's Motion For Preliminary Injunction

Jul 7, 2014
Affidavit Of Dennis J. Carr
Defendants' Opposition To Plaintiff's Motion For Preliminary Injunction

Jul 7, 2014
Declaration Of Anne Harrington
Defendants' Opposition To Plaintiff's Motion For Preliminary Injunction

Jul 7, 2014
Declaration Of James M. Owendoff
Defendants' Opposition To Plaintiff's Motion For Preliminary Injunction

Jul 7, 2014
Declaration Of Ashley David Henderson
Defendants' Opposition To Plaintiff's Motion For Preliminary Injunction

Jun 23, 2014
UPA Declaration to ConverDyn Complaint against DOE
I, Scott Melbye, do hereby declare as follows based on personal knowledge and belief:

Jun 13, 2014
ConverDyn Complaint Against DOE
Plaintiff ConverDyn brings this action seeking declaratory and injunctive relief against Ernest J. Moniz, Secretary of the United States Department of Energy, and the United States Department of Energy for violations of the United States Enrichme...

Jun 9, 2014
UPA Statement Regarding New GAO Report on DOE's Management of the Federal Uranium Inventory

Jun 2, 2014
Resubmitted and Supplemental Questions for the record: Questions From Senator John Barrasso

May 29, 2014
Questions for the record: Questions From Senator John Barrasso

May 15, 2014
UPA Statement on May 2014 Secretarial Determination

May 15, 2014
Energy Department Announces Secretarial Determination of No Adverse Material Impact for Uranium Transfers

May 15, 2014
Secretarial Determination For the Sale or Transfer of Uranium

May 12, 2014
Memorandum for the Secretary

May 8, 2014
DOE Analysis

Apr 23, 2014
Impacts of DOE Uranium Barter Program on U.S. Domestic Industry
FBP Update

Apr 18, 2014
DOE - Peter Lyons Letter to UPA - Scott Melbye

Mar 27, 2014
NMA Excess Sales Letter to DOE Secretary Poneman
Dear Deputy Secretary Poneman: The National Mining Association (NMA) would like to express its concerns about transfers and sales of large amounts of the Department of Energy's (DOE) excess uranium because such sales have a detrimental impact o...

Mar 26, 2014
UPA Summary of Comments to Analysis Supporting Secretarial Determinations

Mar 26, 2014
UPA Letter to Dr. Peter Lyons

Feb 4, 2014
Letter to Ernest Moniz